Cancer Insurance

Cancer Insurance

What is Cancer Insurance?

Cancer insurance, also known as cancer-specific insurance or critical illness insurance, is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage specifically for the diagnosis, treatment, and related expenses of cancer. It is designed to supplement traditional health insurance by offering additional financial protection against the high costs associated with cancer care.

Here are some key features of cancer insurance:

  1. Lump Sum Benefit: If the policyholder is diagnosed with cancer, a lump sum benefit is paid out upon the diagnosis. The amount of the benefit depends on the policy and can vary based on factors such as the stage of cancer, type of treatment, and policy coverage limits.
  2. Coverage for Cancer-Related Expenses: Cancer insurance typically covers a range of cancer-related expenses, which may include hospital stays, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, prescription medications, home healthcare, transportation to and from treatment centers, and other associated costs.
  3. WNo Restrictions on Benefit Use: The benefit received from cancer insurance can be used at the policyholder's discretion. It can be used to cover medical expenses not covered by traditional health insurance, as well as non-medical expenses such as mortgage or rent payments, transportation costs, household bills, and other financial obligations that may arise during cancer treatment.
  4. Coverage for Different Stages of Cancer: Cancer insurance policies may offer coverage for various stages of cancer, ranging from early-stage to advanced-stage diagnoses. The policy terms specify the specific types and stages of cancer covered, and the benefits provided may vary based on the stage of diagnosis.
  5. Supplemental Coverage: Cancer insurance is intended to complement existing health insurance coverage rather than replace it. It can provide additional financial protection by filling gaps in coverage, covering deductibles, co-pays, and other out-of-pocket expenses associated with cancer treatment.
  6. No Medical Exam: Cancer insurance policies often do not require a medical examination as part of the application process. Instead, applicants may need to provide information about their medical history and pre-existing conditions.

Cancer insurance can be beneficial for individuals who want to have additional financial protection specifically for cancer-related expenses. It can help alleviate the financial burden of cancer treatment, allowing policyholders to focus on their health and recovery.

It's important to carefully review the terms and conditions of the cancer insurance policy, including any waiting periods, exclusions, limitations, and the specific types and stages of cancer covered. Consulting with an insurance professional can help you understand the coverage provided by different policies and determine if cancer insurance is appropriate for your individual circumstances and needs.

Why Cancer Insurance?



Who is affected by Cancer?

The short answer is, anyone can be affected by cancer. The cancer mortality rate is higher among men than women (189.5 per 100,000 men and 135.7 per 100,000 women). When comparing groups based on race/ethnicity and sex, cancer mortality is highest in African American men (227.3 per 100,000) and lowest in Asian/Pacific Islander women (85.6 per 100,000).

3 out 4 Families

3 out of 4 families will have a family member or friend who is battling cancer.

1 out 2 Men

1 in 6 are diagnosed with prostate cancer... Followed by Lung, Colon, Bladder

1 out 3 Women

1 in 8 are diagnosed with breast cancer... Followed by Lung, Colon, Uterine


2nd Leading Cause of Death behind accidents

1 of 6 Deaths

Over 600,000 cancer deaths happen in the U.S. each year

The financial burden of getting sick with Cancer

The National Cancer Institute calculated the average cost of medical care and drugs tops $42,000 in the year following a cancer diagnosis. Some treatments can exceed $1 million. The biggest financial challenges cancer patient and their families face that's while your expenses go UP, your income and savings often go DOWN

There are TWO types of cost when becoming ill with Cancer. There are direct costs and Indirect costs.


Doctors Bills

Copays and co-insurance incurred from doctors and specialist office visits

Hospital Bills

Copays and co-insurance incurred from hospital visits


Lost Income and Savings

Time off work for the patient, family and friends

Continuous Living Expenses

Those expenses including mortgage or rent payments, utility bills, auto cost, and putting food on the table

Insurance Limitations

Even if you have health insurance, you may want to try some experimental services and medications that your insurance don't cover. Those procedure are usually very costly and Cancer insurance can help

Out of Pocket Expenses

Other out of pocket charges include travel and lodging expenses, food, child care and so on...

How do Cancer patients pay for those costs?

Unfortunately, people try several ways
to meet the indirect costs of cancer including:

Tap into Savings

  • Savings and investments
  • College funds
  • Retirement funds

Sell Assets

  • Home and property
  • Cars
  • Personal items

What coverage does Cancer Insurance provide?

Depending on the insurance carrier, the type of plan and benefit level you select, Cancer insurance policy may provide the following:

  • Hospitalization
  • Ambulance
  • Wellness Benefit
  • Surgery and Anesthesia
  • Second Surgical Opinion
  • Reconstructive Breast Surgery
  • Prosthesis
  • Bone Marrow Transplant
  • Bone Marrow Donor
  • Radiation and Chemotherapy
  • Radiation Planning
  • Self-Administered Chemotherapy
  • Anti-Nausea
  • Special Treatment
  • Hospice Service
  • Patient Transportation
  • Family Member Transportation
  • Family Member Lodging

Get you Cancer Insurance Policy TODAY!

Countdown to
2025 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)

AEP takes place from October 15, 2024 through December 7, 2024.

CLICK HERE to learn what changes you can make during AEP!



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